Looking to start your own business? There’s a lot to it, and often, many items are overlooked.We specialize in helping busy entrepreneurs succeed! We’ll ensure that you:
* Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, S Corp, C Corp and LLC * Benefits of each * Recommended Entity * Owner education
* Separate business and personal accounts * Budgeting * Paying yourself * Recordkeeping * Employees vs contractors * Using your vehicle for personal use * Software system setup & training * Quarterly Taxes * Income Taxes * Sales Tax * Insurance
* Chart of accounts setup * Linking bank accounts and credit cards * Day to day use * Payroll * Proper setup
* Receivables & point of sale systems * Business / practice management systems * Receipts & invoices * Paying bills
We can handle your payroll for as little as $50 per month plus $10 per employee. From processing, to taxes, 1099’s & W-2’s, let us be your payroll department.
No matter how complex, we will help make sense of your specific tax situation. We will help you organize and stay compliant with ever changing tax laws.